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Package includes Osteo Ohm Tuning Fork. Packaging card opens to 2 panels of photos and detailed instructions for use. Research indicates that low...
View full detailsThe Mid Ohm Tuning Fork is widely considered the quintessential Ohm [Om] frequency at 136.1 hz. Ohm an earth-tone with grounding,soothing and balan...
View full detailsPackage includes Mid Ohm Tuning Fork (136.1 hz) plus 4-panel Instructional package with photos showing how to correctly hold, activate an...
View full details8.5" Chakra Tuning Fork Heart Chakra Tuning forks are based on the mathematical rotation of the planets around our sun. They work on ou...
View full detailsTuning forks are based on the mathematical rotation of the planets around our sun. They work on our subtle parts, opening gateways to the Univers...
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