DATE & TIME: Sunday September 8th 12pm-5pm
Reiki Level IIPrerequisite :Level I Reiki
(proof of certification required)
Cost : $400
Manual included
This level will expand the use of Reiki, it will encompass the physical , mental and emotional body for ourselves as well as others. We will learn 3 symbols in this level.
This level builds on the skills learned in level I. It will allow you to develop your skills and abilities as a practitioner. Whether you are continuing your personal journey or expanding your professional tool kit. Learning level II gives you the confidence to work with others. You will receive a manual and a level II certificate upon completion.
The Reiki level two class will include:
- A Level II Reiki attunement
- A overview of Reiki level II
- Three Reiki symbols
- Learn to draw the symbols correctly
- A practice session using symbols
- Techniques for distance healing
- A Deeper understanding of Reiki