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Spell - Re-Enchantment
Witch's Brew Candle Original Witch's Brew
Wicked Witch Mojo Candle Forever Mine
Wicked Witch Mojo Oil Everything and Then some
Photo of you & a photo of your romantic partner(s)
Pink yarn, ribbon or thread
Words of Love
* remove all packaging before lighting candles*
Light the Original Witches' Brew Candle on your altar (in it's candle holder) to create your magical space and empower every step of your spell.
Write out the most loving thoughts you have of your partner on one side of the paper. Flip it over and write the most loving thing your partner has ever said to you or about you. Repeat these words aloud several times as you anoint the paper with the Everything and Then some oil. State, " The love between us grows and replaces any old hurts or misunderstandings."
Place the photos face up next to each other. Take a taste of the honey to remind you of the sweetness of your love. Drizzle a bit of honey on each photo, asking the honey to heal any wound between you and your partner by filling it with understanding, compassion and trust. Sprinkle glitter on the honey, visualizing the love between you mirroring and expanding 1,000 times. Next, place your words of love between the photos, ensuring the photos face each other. Wrap the joined pictures with the pink ribbon, yarn or string, stating that you are in this together, and will become re-enchanted with each other.
Place the Forever Mine Candle (in it's holder) on top of the pink wrapped photos. Say the Words of Mojo on the candle label. Follow that with, " You are already my Forever Mine and I am yours. We re-enchant each other every day." Let the candle burn while attended and relight it daily until it is consumed. When complete, burn the pictures together, releasing your shared love to the heavens to be blessed.
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