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Saturday October 5th Join us for a free presentation, book signing and workshop with Valerie book your spot today. Space is limited!
A - Properties of Rocks & Crystals

A - Properties of Rocks & Crystals


Here are a list of some of the properties of the crystals that we carry:


Enhances feelings of peace, compassion and love. It has a lovely warm, gentle vibration. It is great in times of tough emotional issues, soothing the nerves and encouraging a calm demeanor.


Good for blockages or resistance on your  spiritual path. Dissolves that which is unwanted . Psychic shielding. Connects to the higher awareness, bringing the body, mind, psyche & spirit into    balance. Offers a new orientation & enhances self esteem. Aid to visualization & imagery, expanding & enhancing spontaneous  creativity. Assists the body in adjusting to changes or recovery from trauma.


Creative stone. Enhances  metaphysical gifts & communication in other dimensions. Creates emotion equilibrium & helps you to find a calm, centered space. Bring heart & mind together as it links solar plexus, heart and throat chakras with the universal mind providing clarity & inner strength. Clearly communicates your needs, attracts joy. Identifies new  avenues for growth.  Program to attract a new job or prosperity.


a very strong stone that operates on a high vibrational frequency. It aids in clearing and protecting, especially that of which is filled with negative energy. It's a confidence driven stone and will help with anyone who is feeling a lack of self-love and appreciation.


Grounding stone, centers & stabilizes physical energy. Harmonizes yin/yang energy & soothes the soul. Build self   confidence and help one accept themselves. Improves concentration, perception analytical abilities. Overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart. Heals inner anger.  Stabilizes the aura. Cleanses on the physical & emotional level. 


Stimulates energy, vitality, passion and creativity. It draws up earth energy into our Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus energy centers. It helps to ground spiritual Light through the body and to bring the higher spiritual realms into manifestation.


A lovely emotionally supportive stone, especially for women. This crystal embodies positive metaphysical properties that aid healers and bring peace and harmony. Use in meditation to elevate you to the spiritual realms where you can meet with the angels and speak with spirit.


Highly touted as having regenerative powers. It is a stone of courage, allowing one to face change with no fears. Alexandrite assists in centering the self, reinforcing self-esteem and enhancing the ability to experience joy and beauty. With Alexandrite, you can both acknowledge and appreciate the interconnectedness of all of nature.


Brings light to any chakra. Fills the body with powerful currents of blessing & purification. Grounds spiritual light into the earth through us. Brings spiritual aid. Used in psychic surgery to cut out attachments & negative energy. Great for clearing an individual of all types of negative energy. Enhances psychic ability of clairvoyance, clairsentience & clairaudience, remote viewing, prophetic vision & psychic healing.


Filters geopathic stress physically and information, as it comes into the brain. Absorbs microwaves, cell phone emanations protects against  electromagnetic pollution.  Soothes the brain & nervous system.  Balances male/female energy.  Helps see both sides of a problem.  Soothes emotional trauma, worry & fear.  Dispels negative energy & aggravation.  Assists in manifesting universal love.  opens the heart & throat , third eye & intuition.


Grounding for high energies. A powerful healer & cleanser. Also cleans the chakras and the environment it’s in. Absorbs negative energy & transmutes it to positive. Brings stability & motivation. Stimulates intellect, peace, wisdom, trust. A powerful chakra healer & cleanser. Imbues the body with vitality, absorbs pain & negative energy. Allows the body to re-balance itself. Stimulates naval chakra and grounds energies into the body.


Helps one in releasing self-sabotage. Strengthens the energy field to aid protection. Makes one aware about the soul and it’s purpose. Clears, stimulates and strengthens the Solar Plexus. Dispels fears and phobias. Focuses ones will to facilitate manifestation. Encourages one to let go of the past to more forward with their life. Enhances personal sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Helps expand clarity vision, on the physical, spiritual and mental plane. Alleviates procrastination .Empowers one to work with their natural abilities/talents


This stone brings in the purple ray of purification & stimulates the crown chakra. Soothes emotions & balances the energy of the heart chakra. Provides emotional support to help heal past wounds or to lift sorrow & depression. Helps integrate the mind & heart. Aids in creativity & inspiration of the mind. Opens one’s consciousness to the influence of higher energies of the divine. Helps to both give & receive love.


Protective stone with high spiritual vibration. Guards against psychic attack transmuting the energy into love. Block geopathic stress, negative environment energies. Enhances higher states of consciousness & meditation. Strong healing & cleansing powers. Calms or stimulates as needed. Enhances memory & dreams as well as dream recall. Protects against nightmares. Emotionally centering.  Considered an all purpose stone.


Connects the physical realm with the higher consciousness. Protects during astral travel & relieves psychic attack. Clears tension & stress from the head.  Clears the mind & brings greater focus during meditation. Opens the 3rd eye promotion healing & divination. Combines masculine & feminine energies. Enhances compatibility & acceptance of others. Stimulates creativity, brings clarity, harmonizing  perceptions.


Activating metaphysical powers & inter-dimensional exploration. Useful for support during re-birthing. Converts negative energy into positive. A powerful karmic cleanser, placed on the 3rd eye releases mental obsessions & past-life soul imperatives. Stimulates the survival instincts & perseverance. Excellent for anything that needs structure & clarity. An effective earth healing stone. Stimulates the flow of Qi life force.


The Ammonite is a very powerful earth healing fossil. Its spiral shape symbolizes continual change and evolution. Ammonites have absorbed cosmic energy over eons of time and help to stimulate the life force (Chi) within. Ammonites are often used for activating Kundalini and life path energies.


Connects to all of the chakras. It stimulates and activates the entire chakric column, allowing for an awakening of the Kundalini energies. Helps to activate one’s “light “body, stimulating one’s energy fields. Opens the third eye & crown chakras. It allows one to feel connected to the group consciousness of the Universe. The energy of this crystal acts on the heart chakra so that an emotional release can bring about the feelings of Divine Joy and Divine Bliss


Carries a very loving & sweet energy, stimulating the spirit & elevating one’s mood. Allows one to enter a state of serenity, peace, purification, rest, & to go beyond the body to perceive & receive help from one’s angel guides. Assists in remembering lessons from past incarnations & attuning to one’s spiritual purpose. Aid for recognizing beauty, from Nature & Spirit, from within, & in others. Aids Throat Chakra in loving communications.


Provides connection to the highest level of spiritual experience, calling in your guardian angel, spirit guides, and higher beings. The vibration resonates with feelings of deep inner joy and is extremely gentle and calming.


Facilitates conscious contact with the angelic realm. Enhances telepathic communication & out of body journeys. Deepens attunement & heightens perceptions. Protective stone. Helps you speak the truth, more compassionate. Alleviates psychological pain.  Helps with mathematics.  Filled with compassion transmutes pain & disorder. Facilities the re-birthing process, stimulates healing & opens psychic channeling.


Gives support & strength on the physical plane. Promotes acceptance of the physical body as a transient vessel for the soul. It helps you face with equanimity what tomorrow may bring. Assist in past-life healing. Treats disorders of the throat, especially those caused by a difficulty in expressing oneself through a physical body. Removes retained or excess fluid and disperses swelling.


Brings up negativity but does so slowly so it can be transmuted.  Excellent for absorbing negative energy & protecting the aura.  Grounds & cleanses the earth chakra, comforts in times of grief, provided insight into the source of the distress, relieves long-held grievances.  Stimulates analytical capabilities & promotes forgiveness.  Removes self-limitations & increases spontaneity.


A stone of manifestation & promotes a humanitarian attitude, inclining toward service. Attuned to the future yet connects to past lives. Develops psychic gifts, spiritual attunement, deepen meditation, raises the kundalini, aids communication & self expression. Increase motivation & energy levels. Draws off negativity. Stimulates creativity & clears confusion. Balances the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual body chakras.


Very efficient conductor of energy & akashic records. Creates a connection between the physical & spiritual realms. Keeps a strong connection to the body during out of body journeys. Enhances clear sight, stimulating intuition. Excellent stone for scrying. Promotes introspection, a stone of truth, calming effect, stress reducer, releases mental blockages.


Fights energy drains and overcomes psychic vampirism. It assists in severing ties with previous partners or mentors who retain a mental or emotional hold despite physical separation. It is highly beneficial in multidimensional and cellular memory healing, and is an efficient receptor for programming and bringing the body into balance.


Apricot Agate is a protective stone. Apricot Agate is said to deepen the bond between parents and their children. It can help calm a mind. It provides positive healing effects. Heart chakra stone. Helps with strength, stability and stamina. Improves energy and confidence.


Calms the emotions and the emotional body. It is a powerful stress reliever. It is also a strong energy for reducing or eliminating anger. It is said to help process emotional disturbances, grief, and traumas to a point where they are no longer stressful.


Stone of courage.  Calms reduces  stress, quiets the mind. Harmonizes surroundings protects against pollutants.  Useful for closure on all levels.  Clears blocked communication and  promotes self-expression.  Soothes fears & increases     sensitivity.  Sharpens intuition, opens clairvoyance.  Great     meditation stone.  Shields the aura and aligns chakras.  Clears the throat chakra.


It’s cooling energy can calm anger and helps create a relaxed atmosphere


Reliable earth healer and grounding stone.  Transforms geopathic stress and clears blocked lines at a distance.  Centers and grounds physical energy.  Good for stress, stabilizes the base chakra.  Teaches patience & acceptance.  Combats  over sensitivity.  Good for people who push themselves too hard.  Provides strength & support. Stabilizes spiritual development that is out of control.  Restores balance.


Has the potential to produce amazing manifestation. Stone for spiritual growth, creating a clear path ahead. Helps you to re-organize & restructure your life, bringing extraordinary insights & a strong positive vibration. Helps to experience psychic visions. Aids brilliant manifestations, that will help you on your spiritual journey. Helps to create a clear path ahead, as it assists in awaken the Divine Light. A powerful aid to lift your vibration


Good for meditation. Aligns the chakras and resonates with the higher chakras, they help connect you to the color ray you require at the time. Excellent for reiki practitioners or any psychic development work. Helps bring peace. Excellent spiritual grounding stone, psychic protection. Great for relieving stress.


Resonates with the astral plane.  Helps uniting mind, body and spirit.  Helps with dreams,   psychic abilities, visions and past lives.  Helps when working with the elements.  Activates the heart and root chakras.  Also a good stone for grounding.


Activates and aligns every chakra in the body.  It can direct light into the darkest recesses of our being to allow us to perceive and understand our shadow self.  By knowing and accepting our whole, we can choose to live to our full potential. Energetically protects against radiation and electromagnetic fields and has been traditionally used to support detoxification on an energetic or physical level.


Opens the third eye.  Used to stimulate spiritual vision and aid visualization.  Stone of great clarity.  Used in meditation, takes the soul safely to the highest possible levels.  Restores lost spiritual trust and promotes   connection to a higher guidance.  Works willingly to open the heart chakra, bringing more             unconditional love into your life.


Accesses past lives in Atlantis, reconnecting to ancient wisdom & encouraging to complete projects set in motion at that time. Stimulates spiritual evolution. Clears & aligns all chakras. Lowers stress levels & encourages thinking before speaking. Useful for gently encouraging children to modify inappropriate behavior. An effective harmonizer of disputes, a useful earth healer, bringing peace into the environment.


Protectors from negative energies. Use to stimulate intuition and spiritual connection. Deflect superfluous energies from the aura & prevent any positive energy to move out from the body. Invoke calmness & extremely soothing. Hold energetic intent for meditation. Provide strength & balance. Stress reducer. Associated with the third eye chakra. Create a sound aura and are used for sound healing.


A powerful combination of 23 different minerals found in Canada. Balances all the chakras. Calms the mind, stilling it so that profound healing & conscious connection with higher dimensions occurs. Deepens meditation, enhances metaphysical abilities of all kinds. Amplifies the effect of all other high vibration crystals & rapidly accelerates spiritual development.


This gentle stone helps raise the consciousness of humanity and plant as a whole. Lifting the soul to a higher perspective, it assists in knowing your purpose in incarnating. Meditate with, to facilitate downloads of information and vibration energy into physical body. Activates the major chakra.


A exceptionally high vibration crystal that activates the soul star & stellar gateway chakras. Rebuilds energy patterns to accommodate a massive energy shift into enlightenment. Awakens psychic abilities, past-life memories & creative inspirations. Clears blockages & fills the cells with spiritual light, dispelling destructive patterns & activating one’s divine blueprint.


Enhances visualization & journeying, opening psychic awareness & telepathy between soul partners. Helps with communication with fairies, elves and devas. Links into ancient magic & helps to access & gain insight into knowledge held in the collective unconscious. Harmonizes the emotional, mental & spiritual knowledge at the center. Enhances mental practicality & innate wisdom. Opens the heart. Effective healer for disillusions.


The frequency of Jasper is very steady and calming. It is almost like having the reassuring presence of a good friend at your side. Highly grounding stone and is great for balancing and healing. Works with root chakra and harmonizes yin yang.


Positive stone of Prosperity. Strong connection to the devic kingdom used to grid houses & gardens against geopathic stress. Absorbs electromagnetic snog and protects against environmental pollution. Diffuses negative situations & turns them around. Reinforces leadership qualities & decisiveness. Promotes compassion, empathy. Stabilizes the mind, stimulates perception & enhances creativity. Calms anger & irritation.


This stone increases your spiritual plane. It tames restless and agitated minds.  It expands ones consciousness from mind to soul.  Very high grounding stone that brings energy up from the earth.  It increases your strength and endurance.  Has restorative energy and helps you make changes in your life. Expands your connection to the to the divine and is healing stone for your mind.


Aids in spiritual evolution, expands your consciousness. Lifts your awareness to higher levels.  Never requires cleansing & is always energized.  Facilitates meditation, stimulates kundalini to rise up the spine.  Opens the third eye and crown and higher crown chakras, reaching up to the spiritual levels.  Helps to see the future.


Powerful conductor of energy. Unlocks spiritual vision, strengthens visualization, opens third eye, brings deep healing, cleansing ancient blocks, misaims, guides psychics & intuitive     development. Enables out of body journeys. Brings about clear understanding. Facilitates entering a meditative state. It releases long standing blocks in communication and stimulates memory. Emotionally clears stress, worry, grief & sadness.


Guides psychics & intuitive development.  Cleanses and stimulates the third eye and attunes to spiritual guidance.  Enables out of body journeys.  Brings about clear understanding.  Powerful healing stone. Facilitates entering a meditative state. It releases long standing blocks in communication and stimulates memory.  Emotionally clears stress, worry, grief & sadness. Transmutes fear & phobias.




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